Szol a kakas mar 

Szol a kakas mar,
majd meg virrad mar
Zold erdoben, sik mezoben
Setal egy madar 
De micsoda madar?!
De micsoda madar?!
Sarga laba, kek a szarnya
Engem oda var 
Varj madar, varj!
Te csak mindig varj
Ha az Isten neked rendelt
Tied leszek mar 
De mikor lesz az mar?
De mikor lesz az mar!
K'She Yibone Ha Mikdosh Ir
Tzion temale 
Akkor lesz az mar
Akkor lesz az mar
Vesham nashir chadash
uvirnana naaleh

Crows the roster now
Sun is rising now
In green forest and open fields,
Walks a little bird- 
But what a bird is it? 
Its feet is yellow,
blue are the wings,
Waiting for me there- 
Wait, bird, wait a bit
You must always wait
If God gave me only to you
Yours I will be then- 
But when will that happen?
But when will that happen?
When the Temple stands again
And Zion is rebult again

Then will it happen
Then will it happen
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Maid on the shore
World music program


Russian program


Christmas program

She' enedra
Roma songs program